G12FCO -- Formal Computation

Lecture 16 -- From finite to infinite

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Powers and limitations of finite-state machines

Any inherently finite computation can be performed by some FSM (and hence, for example, by a suitable network of McCulloch-Pitts cells). Quite a lot of inherently unbounded computations can also be performed this way. For example, here is a `divide by 7' `machine'; for this, the `output' matrix comprises the quotient, and the `next state' matrix is the remainder:
next state output
input: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
3 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7
5 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8
6 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
If you start this machine in state 0, and present it with an `infinite' string of digits, it will output that string divided by seven. Extending the machine to deal with several numbers separated by spaces, or numbers that include decimal points, is left as an exercise.

However, here is perhaps the simplest `computation' that shows the limits of an FSM:

The bracket-matching problem

When you include an arithmetic expression in a computer program, this will in general include some [potentially nested] parentheses, as in
((a + b) * (c - d + 1) + 2)/(e + f).
Part of the task of a compiler or interpreter (the program that actually turns your typing into machine code for the computer to obey) is to match up the parentheses so as to determine the necessary arithmetic to evaluate such expressions. More generally, a typical computer language will also include brackets ([...]), braces ({...}) and very possibly other forms of nestable `bracket', including possibly constructs like `if...then...else...endif', but parentheses will be enough for the present purpose. There are two ways in which expressions may be malformed: (a) if at any stage while reading the expression from left to right there have been more right parentheses than left, as in `(a+b))'; or (b) if when the expression has been completely read there there have been more left parentheses than right, as in `((a+b)'.

This is an easy programming exercise. Essentially, you keep a count of the number of unmatched left parentheses; this count is incremented every time you meet a left parenthesis, and decremented when you meet a right parenthesis. If ever the count goes negative, you have an unmatchable right parenthesis, and if it is non-zero when you have completed reading the expression, you have too many left parentheses.

So, why can this not be done by an FSM? Because it cannot keep that count. Suppose there is an FSM that can solve the bracket-matching problem, and that has N states. Feed it with left parentheses. After no more than N steps, it must repeat a state; suppose that after q steps, it repeats the state reached after p steps; that is, it is in the same state after reading (((...(((, whether there are p or q parentheses in the string. Now feed the FSM with p right parentheses and end the expression. As the FSM is in the same state and is reading the same input, it will continue to be in the same state. If there had been p left parentheses, it would now signify that the brackets matched correctly. There were actually q, so they don't match. So the FSM cannot give the correct answer in both cases. This contradiction establishes the result.

This is a somewhat fraudulent proof [though no worse than most proofs in mathematics!]. Firstly, in order to detect the repeated state, you need at least a somewhat larger FSM than the one you're monitoring; in other words, you can't build an FSM which busts bracket-matchers, you have to wait until one is built that claims to match brackets, and then you can build one that disproves the claim. Secondly, even a single 32-bit word can hold enough states to do bracket matching correctly as long as there are never more than 4293959295 unmatched left parentheses, which is enough for most real programs, and if it isn't, a few more bits will suffice for a universe-full of characters. It gets much harder if there are several different sorts of bracket to match! Nevertheless, the idea is straightforward; an FSM cannot, in principle, perform tasks that need an unbounded count, as it will eventually run out of states. These tasks include many simple mathematical operations, such as multiplication, division [other than by a fixed constant and from left to right], even addition from left to right [it's easy if you present the numbers starting at the less significant end, but the other way there is an unbounded carry in problems like 123456789... + 876543210...].

Beyond FSMs

If we want to build a more powerful mechanism than FSMs, then such a mechanism has to have some unbounded part. Many weird and wonderful mechanisms have been proposed, and exploring their capabilities is a significant part of this part of mathematics. They vary from an assortment of ideas based on real computers, including stack machines [`push down automata'] which can save information for later retrieval, or Petri nets [based on token-passing mechanisms, rather like money, of which arbitrary amounts can be `saved' in nodes rather like McCulloch-Pitts cells], through a whole spectrum of which the other end is various forms of mathematical logic and recursive function theory, passing through various sorts of re-write system [rather like editors] and Conway's game of Life [much used in screen-savers, but an interesting research topic in its own right].

Roughly in the middle of this spectrum, and by far the most theoretically important unbounded mechanism is the so-called Turing machine. This is not really a `machine' at all, but an abstraction, initially intended to model the way mathematicians perform computations.

Turing machines

The basic idea is shown in the diagram. The FSM is extended by having access, via a `read/write' head, to an unbounded `tape' on which information can be stored. This can be interpreted at several levels: We assume that the FSM has a specified `initial' state in which to begin the computation, and a specified `halt' state which, if reached, signifies the end of the computation. When we enter the halt state, we assume that there is some mechanism [e.g. an encodingon the tape] whereby an external reader can determine what the result of the computation has been. The tape initially contains the specification of the particular instance of the problem that the TM is designed to solve and is otherwise supposed to be `blank' [if more than a finite part of the tape is initially non-blank, then it could contain, in principle, all the possible answers to all possible questions, and serve as a super-oracle with unrealistic powers].

In each `cycle' of activity, the TM is expected to:

As with FSMs, much of the detail is irrelevant; in each case, we can choose the version which is most convenient for our purpose and know that the same results will apply to all TMs:

Bracket matching re-visited

A TM can easily solve the bracket-matching problem; this will show that TMs are intrinsically more powerful than FSMs. We assume that the tape initially looks rather like ...bb((()()))bb..., where b represents a blank square, that the head is initially placed over the left-most parenthesis, and that we start in state 1. We describe the TM in similar fashion to an FSM, with the addition of a matrix to indicate whether we move left [L] or right [R].
next state output direction
input: b ( ) X b ( ) X b ( ) X
state 1 3 1 2 1 | ? ( X X | L R L R
state 2 4 1 4 2 | f X i X | ? R ? L
state 3 4 4 4 3 | s f i X | ? ? ? L
state 4 ? ? ? ? | ? ? ? ? | ? ? ? ?
Here, s is the success symbol, f the failure symbol, and i represents an impossible combination, while ? represents an entry which is arbitrary or undefined.


State 1: Scan to the right, looking for ) or blank.
State 2: Scan to the left, looking for the ( to match the ); both will be replaced by X.
State 3: Scan left looking for a blank; no ) has been found.
State 4: `Halt'.
Left as an exercise: extending this example (a) to be able to restore the parentheses after checking them; or (b) to be able to start anywhere on the tape, not just over the left-most parenthesis [so that first you must search -- in either direction! -- for non-blank squares; or (c) to be able to handle an arbitrary number of sequences [separated by blanks] of more general brackets.

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